Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI Hosting Webinar on Economy and Laudato Sí

General Administration - Rome

Additional information from OMIUSA JPIC

What is the Purpose of the Economy? Are We Caring for Each Other & the Earth?

This webinar will take place November 21, 2020 (11:00AM ET; 17:00 Central European Time/Rome) and will be conducted by Fr. Séamus Finn OMI.

In addition, Fr. Finn will be followed by a short video featuring Fr. Marc Dessureault, OMI, on the environment-friendly features of the OMI General House renovation project

Moderator: Fr. Warren Brown, OMI, (opening prayer; short introduction; conclusion)

Host: OMI-Rome Zoom (c/o Fr. Shanil Jayawardena, OMI); to be recorded and later uploaded on YouTube

To register for this webinar, CLICK HERE 
