Our Lady of the Snows to Host Mission Virtue Rosary Bowl
Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL
The “Mission Virtue” Virtual Rosary Bowl is just one special part of a national multi-day prayer initiative. On October 8, 2020, parents and teachers from across the continents are invited to join as children and grownups pray together for the whole world. Virtue Heroes founder, Cathy Gilmore is gathering a team of children acting as Virtue Heroes to represent, and intercede for, the five Mission Virtue Regions of the world. Children representing ethnicities of Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa, and the Americas, will lead us in prayer. We will be praying the World Mission Rosary together on Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 3PM Central Standard Time.
Co-hosting with Cathy Gilmore, will be the Director of the Shrine, Fr. David P. Uribe, OMI who will welcome our local participants as well as those across the world wide web viewing the live streaming video.
This event will be hosted in the main church at the beautiful Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL USA. Up to 100 locals can come pray in person at the Shrine, but most people will join in this experience virtually. The Zoom link is here for individuals, families, grandparents and even school classes to connect virtually on that day.

Shrine Director, Fr. David Uribe, OMI and Cathy Gilmore of the Children’s Mission Virtue Rosary Bowl will host the live streaming of the event on October 8 at 3 PM at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows
The Mission Virtue Rosary Bowl is a one-day event that is part of Eucharistic and Rosary TRIUMPH TOUR led by the Coalition of Eucharistic and Marian Apostolates (CEMA). This powerful movement of prayer includes a schedule of daily prayer events at Catholic shrines and Churches across the American continent, starting on the feast of the Archangels, September 29, 2020 through October 13, 2020 and possibly beyond. The event motto is: “Led by our Lady, we come to our Lord,” in praying for faith, peace, and virtue to flourish in our communities, our nation, our continents, and our world. We hope that this effort draws together children and adults cross-generationally and builds on the legacy of Venerable Patrick Peyton who said, “The family that prays together stays together.”
Check www.TriumphTour2020.com for the full schedule details!