The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Video of Acceptance Mass at Tijuana Pre-novitiate

Oblate Pre-novitiate Tijuana, Mexico

(L-R) Bro. Peter Vasquez, Fr. Jesse Esqueda, Carlos Antonio Martinez (1st year), Fr. Bill Antone, Alvaro Zapata (2nd year), Victor Izquierdo (3rd year), Fr. Tom Rush, Jose Hernandez (2nd year), Aaron Cruz (2nd year), Fr. Eleazar Manuel-Lopez, Fr. Victor Manuel Patricio, Fr. Juan Gaspar.

Reported by Fr. William Antone, OMI

On Friday, September 4, 2020, a Mass of Accepting and Blessing of the Pre-novices was held at the Oblate Student House in Tijuana, Mexico.

Special guest, Fr. Juan Gaspar, OMI was the presiding celebrant of the Mass welcoming Alvaro Zapata, Aaron Cruz, Jose Hernandez, Victor Izquierdo, and Carlos Antonio Martinez to a year of Oblate formation.

Those attending the festivities included: Oblate formators, Fr. Bill Antone, and Brother Peter Vasquez, along with Fathers Jesse Esqueda, Eleazar Manuel-Lopez, Victor Manuel Patricio-Silva and Tom Rush.

The Mass was live-streamed on the Pre-novitiate’s Facebook page and was viewed by Oblates, friends and family around the U.S. and Mexico.

(The lady on the left in this photo is Letecia Mena, mother of Pre-novice,Carlos Antonio Martinez Mena)