Fr. Pat Healy, OMI Opens Memorial Day Service at Soldiers Home

Chelsea, MA

Our “correspondent at large” Fr. Harry Winter sent me a link on Memorial Day of a touching service that is held annually at the Chelsea Soldiers Home in Chelsea, MA.  In this special “virtual service,” recorded on May 21, Fr. Pat Healy, OMI  a veteran himself and Catholic Chaplain of the Chelsea Soldiers Home, delivered the invocation and offered a reflection. He is featured in this video.

The Chelsea Soldier’s Home Soldiers’ Home was founded in 1882 and their mission is to provide the highest quality healthcare and supportive services, with honor and dignity to Massachusetts Veterans.

Fr. Pat Healy, OMI will celebrate his 99th birthday on June 1. God bless Fr. Pat and God bless America.

Click here to see the Memorial Day service and Fr. Pat Healy’s reflection
