Dear Friends!
Here’s a video message entitled “Message of Hope” from the OMI International Roman Scholasticate during this Easter season and amidst this pandemic situation we currently live in. We would like to share the hope this Easter gives to us, to everyone – from all nationalities and all walks of life.
– OMI International Roman Scholasticate Community
Text in English:
In this moment of festive Easter season of our risen Saviour and at the same time while in the midst of this difficult pandemic phenomenon of Coronavirus – our current situation filled with fear, sadness, and desperation as result of the overwhelming gravity of the crisis and the tremendous losses of lives especially the losses of our beloved ones or of knowing our family members got infected by this virus – Christ, who rose from the death, who defeated the fear of death, and who is always with us, continues to give us the hope to believe and trust in the same victory over fear and death. His touch and presence of joy and love are also with the sick and suffering at home and in the hospitals and He will always gives us an assurance of eternal life to our departed loved ones that, as he had risen from the dead, also they overcome earth and live in eternal peace. Let us never fail to continue to fervently pray for our government leaders, medical practitioners and front liners who risk their lives every day in order to fight this pandemic and save as many lives as possible. Let also remember all those people of good will who, in all possible ways and means, render help to all those who are the most vulnerable and helpless in this terrible times – the poor, unemployed, and abandoned. May we continue to be ever united and be ever faithful to the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.