Belleville Oblates and Associates Celebrate “Oblate Day”
Belleville, IL
Photos and story by Will Shaw
For the past few years, the local Oblate community has invited the area Oblate Associates, Honorary Oblates and the Oblate Novitiate Community to celebrate important dates on the Oblate calendar such as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Feast of St. Eugene, and just last Sunday, they gathered again in honor of “Oblate Day,” February 17th, which commemorates the day Pope Leo XII granted pontifical approval of the Oblate Constitutions and Rules on February 17, 1826. These celebrations are a collaboration of the local Oblate Superiors, with the director of the national office for Oblate Associates, Geri Furmanek.
The Esquiline Retirement Community on the grounds of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows provided the space, Fr. Mark Dean of King’s House Retreat Center provided the opening prayer service, the Oblates provided the entree, and local Associates and Honorary Oblates provided side dishes and desserts. After prayer, the “pot-luck” supper buffet was served and fellowship among the Oblates and their Associates reigned supreme.
Here are a few photos of how they celebrate “Oblate Day” in Belleville.