The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Summary of Oblate Statistics 2020

Oblate Administration Rome

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Editor’s Note: Each Year the Oblate Administration in Rome publishes new world-wide statistics regarding the number of Oblate priests and brothers, men in formation, Oblate bishops and Cardinal, etc. The newest edition of the general statistics have just been published and below you will see the summary of the entire report showing this year’s numbers (on left) VS. last year’s numbers (on right)

As you will see below, the number of Oblates in the U.S. are combined with those in Canada. For those interested in the break out of U.S. Oblates only, there are a total of 198 Oblate priests, 14 Oblate brothers, and 6 scholastics, for a grand total of 220 U.S. Oblates as of January, 2020.

There is a legend explaining the abbreviations between the two graphs.



You may see the entire statistical report by clicking here

