The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Bro. Eugene Mule Professes Final Vows in San Antonio

San Antonio, TX

During the Mass of Final Vows Bro. Eugene would receive the Oblate Constitutions and Rules, the Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Oblate Cross

Brother Eugene Mwape Mule, OMI made his final profession last Saturday morning at The Immaculate Conception Chapel on the grounds of Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. Brother Eugene made his profession before a congregation filled with friends, family, his scholastic brothers and Oblates from around the country.

Vicar-provincial,  Fr. Art Flores, OMI was the principal celebrant of the mass which included concelebrants, Vicar-provincial,  Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI and the Superior of the Mario Borzaga Scholasticate, Fr. José Antonio Ponce, OMI.

After the Mass a joyous celebratory luncheon was held for the attendees and the guest of honor, Brother Eugene.

Prior to the Mass, Bro. Eugene poses with the Oblate Cross he will receive from the late Fr. Francis Montalbano, OMI, who mentored him.

Bro. Eugene processes in just behind Rev. Mr. Scott E. Sowell with the Gospel

(L-R) Deacon Sowell, Fr. Art Flores, OMI, Rev. Bro. Edward Tembo, CICM, Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI, Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI

The Rite of Profession Begins

Fr. Flores presents Bro. Eugene with the Oblate Cross

Bro. Eugene receives the medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The presentation of the Oblate Constitutions and Rules

(L-R) Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI, Rev. Bro. Edward Tembo, CICM, Bro. Eugene Mule, OMI, Fr. Art Flores, OMI, Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI, Rev. Mr. Scott Sowell

(L-R) Fr. Victor Patricio Manuel, OMI, Bro. Lazaro Angel Leal, OMI, Bro. Democracy Mudenda, OMI, Bro. Zane Nong, OMI, Bro. Eugene Mwape Mule, OMI, Bro. David Chisha, OMI, Bro. Solomon Gaja, OMI, Bro. Justinus Khahiso Moloi, OMI, Bro. Mark Anthony, OMI
