The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

From Eskimo to Inuit:  Oblate Cultural Sensitivity


by Harry E. Winter, O.M.I.

Fr. Warren Brown, OMI

The book Oblate Missiologists:  A Workbook, published in 2019 has drawn much positive comment, for example from North American General Councilor Warren Brown, who”enjoyed the articles” he found there.  However, Warren also noted that the term Eskimo, used especially in Appendix 2, is considered derogatory today.  He asked, with Fr. General’s approval,  that wherever it is not the title of a book, it be changed to the more culturally sensitive Inuit.

Bishop Anthony Krotki, OMI

Since many of the references related to the material on first bishop of Hudson Bay, Arsene Turquetil, O.M.I.,  I also asked for the input of the current bishop,  Anthony W. Krotki, O.M.I., who summarized it this way: one person, Inuk; two or more, Inuit.

For those who have one of the one hundred printed copies, please make the changes in the attached internet copy, pp. iii,  109, 113,116-118.

For those who have an internet copy,  Click here to replace the old version with the revise one.

