Fr. Louis Studer’s Photo-album from Inter-Chapter

Obra, Poland

U.S. Provincial, Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, made good use of his camera to provide us with a look at many of the Oblate leaders from around the world who attended the Inter-Chapter meeting in Obra, Poland.

On left, Fr. Pawel Zajac, Provincial of Poland, Fr. General Louis Lougen, Far right, Fr. Antoni Bochm, General Councilor for Europe with a group of Oblate Associates who attended the closing Mass.

Fr. General and each of the Presidents of the five regions in the Oblate world washed one another’s feet and then blessed each other as a sign of our service to one another as Oblates.

Fr. Jesus Fuertes, Delegation Superior of Peru, blesses Fr. General after Fr. Lougen washed his feet.

Over 80 Oblates concelebrated the Closing Mass of the Inter-chapter at the Oblate Scholasticate in Obra, Poland. Fr. Tom Ovalle, of the U.S. is seen in front, second from left.

Fr. General, Louis Lougen presided at the closing Mass.

Fr. Vincent Gruber, Provincial of France and Fr. Dan Corijn, Provincial of Belgium-Netherlands share some ideas before departing from the Inter-chapter.

Fr. Slawomir Kalisz, Delegation Superior for China, Fr. Oliver Barry, Provincial of the Anglo-Irish Province and Fr. Vincent Louwagie, Delegation Superior for Guatemala.

Fr. Louis Studer, Provincial of the U.S. and Fr. Chris Fini, Provincial of Australia.

Fr. Chris Fini, Provincial of Australia and Fr. Alberto Huaman, General Councilor for Latin America.

Fr. Dan Corijn, Provincial of Belgium- Netherlands and Fr. Guillaume Muthunda, General Councilor for Africa-Madagascar before the Closing Mass of the Interchapter.
