The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Blessing of the Bikes Rides Again!

Colebrook, NH

By Br. Richard Coté, OMI

After a hiatus of four years the annual Blessing of Bikes has resumed at the former Our Lady of Grace Shrine in Columbia, NH.  The new owners, Charles and Donna Jordan and their new endeavor, The Great North Woods Center for the Arts orchestrated the event.  The Manchester (NH) Motorcycle Club under the direction of Laura Cardinal was the official sponsor of the event.

The Statue of Our Lady of Grace is installed on the platform outside the former St. Joseph Workshop / Shrine Offices.

Bro. Richard Cote, OMI

Over 450 bikers had registered by the morning of June 23, 2019. A statue of Our Lady of Grace was installed on an outdoor platform for the blessing.  Colebrook Associates Larry and Louise Dagesse and Gerard Hebert represented the Oblates along with their Advisor Br. Richard, who offered words on the history of the former Shrine.  Rev. Rick Baillargeon, Pastor of the Haverhill, MA, United Universalist Church and M.M.C. Chaplain offered the blessing as a souvenir of the event was distributed to all.

Larry Dagesse, O.A.M.I. and Louise Dagesse, O.A.M.I. and the crowd of bikers exiting the grounds.
