The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Astronaut and Oblate Meet (?):  Fifty Years Later, July 21, 2019


By Harry Winter, OMI

I never actually met Buzz Aldrin.  But I was stunned when I learned that the first food and drink consumed on the moon, was Aldrin’s offering the blessed bread and wine from his Presbyterian Church near Houston, TX. For someone concerned about evangelization and ecumenism, reflecting on his action was almost as good as meeting him in person.

Click here for a possible homily for Sunday, July 21, remembering that many Protestant Churches are using a lectionary based on our Vatican II Lectionary.

At the end of the sample homily is a longer article explaining more fully the challenge of the first Communion service on the moon.

