The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

New “Missionary Postcard” from Peru

Fr. Nick Harding, OMI

EDITOR’S NOTE: Fr. Nick Harding, OMI is a missionary in Chincha, Peru. Fr. Nick often sends photos of the people and events which take place around his mission, I like to think of them as “Missionary Postcards.” Below are new photos from several recent events, the captions in quotations or italics are Fr. Nick’s own words.

Celebration of the Anniversary of the Aurorita School

A Senior Citizen Celebration outside in front of the Church

Todo and Isabel (front, center) with their six children and guests when Fr. Nick gave them a special blessing for their 60th wedding anniversary

“Typical” recycle moto tricycle

“I don’t think this vehicle would pass inspection in the U.S.”

Sandro & Pini Tienen, another couple married 60 years.

Fr. Nick had Mass for five couples who wed. Perhaps they’ll make it 60 years too!

Fr. Nick performed 15 Baptisms on this day. Here, outside the Church, adults threw candy for the children.

The rugged terrain of the area made more barren by mining.

“I was asked to bless new John Deere tractor of our town.”

“For our annual Christ the King feast the week prior we have food, dancing, and the contest for queen..we want the youth to have an opportunity to use their talents and gifts; preserve healthy traditions; build community.  The queen contestants had to prepare answers  about our Catholic faith…e.g.  why is prayer important for you? what does Advent mean for you? etc.”

November 18 was the Parish Festival, with lots of folk dancing, food, raffles and Bingo!

Folk dance called, “Ayachuco”

“Yesterday I  went to a  humble primary school (240 kids)  in a poor part of the parish (recently “invaded” by migrants) for their anniversary and I did a paraliturgia.  Happy, enthusiastic children.  First photo “she ain’t heavy she’s my sister!”  They have garden work for the children.”

…with prayers  Fr Nick Harding omi “
