The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Video: The Mazenodian Family: From Concept to Reality with Fr. Frank Santucci, OMI

Throughout the world religious congregations who have Associates are exploring the links between the charism of the founder and its various expressions in different vocations. Pope Francis is referring to these as “charismatic families” and has invited all Religious to develop their understanding of this concept.

Fr. Lou Studer and his council have responded to this invitation by establishing the Mazenodian Family committee in the province. Frank Santucci, the coordinator of the committee, had been attending all the Oblate province meetings to explain what this is all about. This video is a recording of his presentation to the Oblates at the meeting in Belleville. In it he presents the concept and traces the journey ahead for all 8 branches of the Mazenodian Family: Missionary Oblates,  Honorary Oblates, Associates, Mission Supporters, Partners, Employees, Youth ministers and Affiliates.

Rev. Frank Santucci, OMI, was born in South Africa, where he ministered as a priest in education, formation and parish ministries for 17 years. He was subsequently based in Rome and Aix en Provence for 20 years and traveled and worked extensively as an Oblate charism and spirituality animator in the countries in which the Oblates of Mary Immaculate have missions. Besides teaching various spirituality and theological courses, he is a spiritual director at OST and Assumption Seminary and a retreat preacher. He has published many articles, is on the editorial board of two Oblate publications and holds the Kusenberger Chair of Oblate Studies.

The Kusenberger Chair of Oblate Studies (at Oblate School of Theology) was established in January 2017 to conclude the celebration of the 200 years of existence of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. The Chair is the first of its kind and is dedicated to the study and dissemination of the history, charism, spirituality and mission of the Missionary Oblates through teaching and research, academic and enrichment programs, an annual Kusenberger Chair of Oblate Studies Lecture, and cooperation with the other Institutes of higher learning – at the service of the Oblate General Administration and all connected with the charism of Saint Eugene de Mazenod throughout the world.
