Every Sunday is Multi-cultural Sunday at Oblate’s Oakland Parish

Oakland, CA

By Fr. Scott Hill, OMI

The Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time was not an ordinary Sunday for the Oakland Faith Community of Sacred Heart; a multi-cultural Faith Community. The parish council sets aside a Sunday for the many cultures of the parish. Many times, during the year the parish celebrates at its worship the cultures of Mexico, American-Black History, the Philippines, etc.

Many parishioners dress in traditional clothing and during the Liturgy the parish is led in the music of the culture and Scripture is bi-lingual as is the Prayer of the Faithful. At the time of the homily members of the celebrating culture reflect on the presence of God, manifested within the culture, and the Table of the Meal is festooned in native colors.

This 33rd Sunday brought the life, energy, sound and colors of the Nigerian culture. As Pastor, Fr. Bill Mason, OMI, reminded the Community, “God manifests Divine grandness and blesses the world and our parish with diversity, a diversity to be honored, not feared.”

