The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

“A Sincere and Imaginative Little Girl” – Missionary Postcard from Peru


Oct. 2018

Pueblo Nuevo, Chincha, Peru

By Fr Nicholas J Harding, OMI

Last Sunday we had the gospel of the Rich Young Man  Mark ch 10.

At the children’s mass 11am ,  I had the catechism classes come forward to listen attentively and then volunteer to answer questions.  I first asked who could remember the question of the rich man and a little boy answered correctly “what must I do to have eternal life?”   Then I inquired if anyone remembered the response of Jesus and another boy accurately said: “ Jesus listed the commandments he needed to follow.”

Next I asked who could recall what the  rich man then replied  (which was “ I have observed these from my youth”)….but a little 9 year old girl, eagerly and with all sincerity, told us in the microphone “the man said there were too many commandments for him to remember!”  She got an even bigger applause than the two others.

We had two earthquakes here this month. A few days ago as I was ready to proclaim the gospel, it came with a loud boom and everyone started leaving until they realized it was a “temblor no terremoto.” Again thanks so much for your prayers and support,   in Christ  your brother and friend,  Fr Nick

Photos from Recent Events

Procession to the Church for Family Sunday

Mass with the Bishop of Ica for Family Sunday

October 18th in Peru is the beginning of the biggest popular devotion: Christ of the Miracles …. it is equivalent to the great outpouring in Mexico for Our Lady of Guadalupe. We had a procession through the sprawling, recently occupied “Human Settlement Lord of Miracles” which is comprised of people who’ve come from the mountains and are living in  thousands of shacks … no paved roads nor running water …. miraculously we were able to build the first church.  … first two photos are when we stopped at a primary school, then inauguration of the chapel (still needs doors etc) thanks for your prayers and support. we used some funds from the summer Mission Appeal the US Province allowed me for the building of the new chapel Señor de los Milagros – gracias!

People who have come recently from the mountains to the massive new communities in our parish

A quick stop at the primary school before proceeding to the new chapel

People gather outside the new chapel

Fr. Nick blesses the new chapel

I have mass once a month with confessions at a local prison. Very sad situations there…I went recently to the women’s pavilion and one told me “I am happy here because I feel more free…outside I was a drug addict and abused violently by my husband and here I am safe”.  Another young woman is serving a 12 year sentence for possession of 150 grams of marijuana.

Our lay team with me to visit the Prison (2,500 men and women)..I am chaplain

At the annual blessing of the taxis, I told them the old joke of the taxi driver who got a better place in heaven than the priest because the taxi driver with his wild, crazy driving motivated more people to pray than the ordinary priest.

Annual blessing of the taxicabs and their drivers

Kids celebrating anniversary of their school

Teachers for Technical school JFK coming for 50th anniversary

Blessing of the School

Dedication and blessing of newborns on altar

Blessing of the disabled


