Who is Novice Master?
Aix-en-Provence, France
By Krzysztof Zielenda, OMI, Originally published by Centre International Eugene de Mazenod (CIEM).

In this group photo of Oblate Novice Masters from around the world, Bro. Patrick McGee, OMI, Novice Master of the Oblate Novitiate in Godfrey, IL is seated second from the end on the right (black shirt). Superior General Louis Lougen, OMI is on Bro. Patrick’s right
Novice Master is an educator of candidates for religious life. He helps the candidates to discern more clearly the call of the Lord in order to respond his call better. During the year of Oblate vocations, the novice masters of the Congregation of Missionary Oblates, from 16 different countries, met in Aix-en-Provence.
“Being novice master is a true missionary commitment. This ministry allows me to live fully the Oblate Charism and to collaborate with Christ who has trained men to missionary life “- said one of the participants of the session.
“We live this mission in the apostolic community by following the example of Jesus and the Apostles” – says another Novice Master.

During a special ceremony, Superior General Louis Lougen, OMI (Back to camera) allows a Novice Master to kiss the Cross of St. Eugene de Mazenod
These are some topics of the session, such as (1) to understand better the missionary identity of the Oblates; (2) to know how to initiate young people to prayer and religious life according to Oblate spirituality; (3) to live together in the context of interculturality; (4) to deal with the fragility of candidates, and some other issues came up during the session.
The session is directed by Fr. Cornelius NGOKA, the General Assistant for Oblate formation. There areas well two major interventions are made by Fr. Frank SANTUCCI, omi and Fr. Thierry ANNE, sj.