Fat Tuesday Tradition Continues at King’s House Belleville
King's House - Belleville, IL
For as long as anyone in Belleville can remember, “Fat Tuesday” has been celebrated with a New Orleans-style buffet lunch King’s House Retreat and Renewal Center. All the members of the local “Mazenodian Family” are invited: employees, Associates, former retreatents, friends, neighbors, and of course, the Oblates themselves.
Creole favorites like red beans & rice, Chicken Gumbo, Seafood Étouffee’, and more are prepared and served by the King’s House staff to the enthusiastic crowd. Truly a culinary “Last Hurrah” before Lent!

The dining room at King’s House was full of Oblates, friends, Associates and employees reveling in New Orleans fare.

(L-R) Michelle Delfel and Billy Kauling from MAMI share the table with Cheryl Hertfelder of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows

From MAMI (L-R) Sheila Miller, Mike Hall and Diana Baranski. (Sheila seems to have her eye on Mike’s Mardi Gras beads)

(L-R) Diane Green, Pat Schnyder, Matt Barnard, Bill Magrath and (by a nose) John Wagner, all from MAMI

(L-R) Mami’s Gwen Campbell with Courtney Edwards, future daughter-in-law of King’s House’s Carolyn Hofstetter.

(L-R) Thinking about a siesta are: Bro. Bill Lundberg, OMI, Fr. Urban Figge, OMI, and Oblate Associate, Gene Wescovitch

A nice group shot of some folks from The Esquiline. A Life Plan Community at the Shrine (formerly the Apartment Community). (L-R) Fr. Joe Ferraioli, OMI, Fr. Tom Hayes, OMI, King’s House’s Rich Dahm, Esquiline Exec. VP, Barb Prosser, Pastoral Care Director, Michael Inyart