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Parents Present Children to the Lord at Lourdes Grotto/Tepeyac de San Antonio

San Antonio, TX

By Fr. Saturnino Lajo, OMI

Click here to see the article en Español

It is already a tradition: Parents present their children to the Lord at the Lourdes Grotto/Tepeyac de San Antonio.  On the Sunday closest to February 2nd, parents who come to the Spanish Mass at the Lourdes Grotto/Tepeyac de San Antonio are invited to present their children – from one month to five years – to the Lord, in remembrance of the presentation of Jesus in the temple of Jerusalem which we celebrate on February 2nd.

This year, on the fourth of February, the weather in San Antonio couldn’t have been better. And about 1,500 people, who came to the Grotto Spanish Mass, enjoyed the religious celebration and the special “fiesta” prepared for the children presented to the Lord.

After the prayer of presentation of about 200 children, we went on procession to the plaza of the Mártires Oblatos de España Pastoral Center. There, the children let their balloons go up to “heaven”, and then, they were ready to enjoy a delicious breakfast prepared and served by the Grotto staff and volunteers thanks to the donations from the Grotto Hispanic community.

The children with their parents were very happy to be the center of this special celebration.  And the whole Grotto community was delighted to let the children know that they are a very important part of our community.

