Father Elmar Mauer, OMI Retires after 18 Years of Service at HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Hospital

Belleville, IL.

By Jaimie Tomaszewski, Originally Published in the St. Elizabeth’s Hospital Newsletter, “In the Know”

(Re-posted with permission)

(Belleville, IL) – After 18 years of service in the Pastoral Care Department at HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Father Elmar Mauer gave his final service before retiring on Thursday, July 13th. The retirement celebration also coincided with his 83rd birthday.

Fr. Elmar Mauer, OMI, Sr. Rosily Menachery, OSF

Known for his special bond with the colleagues, his love for the St. Louis Cardinals, and his sense of humor, he has made a lasting impact on this hospital and will surely be missed.

“I have only been here for six months, but it has been a treat seeing him interact with the colleagues. He will definitely be missed, and I have some big shoes to fill,” says Reverend Chance Beeler.

One of the many things that colleagues and patients who interacted with him love about Father Mauer is his sense of humor. Reverend Chance recalls a time that Father Mauer said, “You know I can’t speak at the podium because I’m too short.” He also has a great love for the St. Louis Cardinals, and is famous in the Belleville community for wearing his Cardinals socks during a service. On multiple occasions he has been referred to as “the priest with the red socks.”

Father Mauer came to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in 1999.  Since then, he has made a difference in patients’ lives, and has had a unique and special bond with the colleagues. Father Mauer was on a first name basis with the many of the colleagues on campus, and knew a lot about their personal lives.  This genuine caring is something that made him stand out in colleagues’ minds.

The hospital has been fortunate to have Father Mauer serve our patients, colleagues and visitors for the past 18 years, and we wish him the best with his retirement.  Luckily, Father Mauer is not leaving St. Elizabeth’s for good; he plans to return to serve as a member of the Auxiliary Volunteers.

Photo Attached: Sister Rosily Menachery, OSF, Provincial Councilor of Hospital Sisters of St. Francis congratulates Father Elmar Mauer on his retirement and 18 years of service.
