The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Chula Vista Oblate Associates Hold Annual Retreat

Compiled and edited  from a report provided by Nor Bonggat, AOMI

On March 18, 2017, the Oblate Associates of Mary Immaculate of the Church of the Most Precious Blood in Chula Vista, CA, along with some Associates from San Fernando, CA hosted their Annual Retreat, featuring Rev. Louis Studer, OMI, Retreat Director.

In keeping with the season, the theme of the Retreat was, “Christ has died, Christ is Risen, Christ will come again”.


Fr. Studer listening to the sharing by Associates during the retreat.

Fr. Louis said that the Lenten Season is a time to reflect on Jesus Christ.  We tend (and this is not bad) to reflect on ourselves, recalling our sins and asking for forgiveness.  However, by reflecting on Jesus’ suffering and His love for us, we enhance our own feelings of love and gratitude to God.

During the day one Associate asked about St. Eugene’s famous Good Friday conversion: why did Fr. Studer think it occurred on Good Friday? He replied that it was really the cross that inspired St. Eugene’s change. The 25-year-old Eugene prayed to God for guidance and God re-directed his life on that Good Friday.

A delicious lunch was prepared by Nena Alignay, Bill & Flor Lacson, and the other members brought good, delicious snacks. Feeding the body as well as the soul are outstanding features of the Chula Vista retreats.

The afternoon continued with Fr. Studer citing Scripture from the Gospels of Mark and Matthew. Nor Bonggat said, “It was such a good retreat, feeling deeply the presence of God with a Mass, prayers, songs, and the Bible verses, beautifully presented by the Retreat Director. “

The retreat ended with a hymn, prayers and blessings from Fr. Studer.  The group was very appreciative of Fr. Studer’s presence and for the fellowship shared among the two groups of Oblate Associates.

The successful retreat was made possible through the efforts of Hermie Alignay, Coordinator of the Oblate Associates of Most Precious Blood along with the collaboration of Fr. Bill Antone, OMI, US Provincial, Ms. Geri Furmanek, National Director of Oblate Associates, and Fr. Silverio Espenilla, Pastor of Most Precious Blood Church in Chula Vista.

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Fr. Louis Studer, OMI poses with the Oblate Associates of Chula Vista and San Fernando after the retreat. Coordinator, Hermie Alignay stands on the far right
