Ten Most Popular Articles of 2016.
During 2016, nearly 20,000 people visited OMIUSA.ORG and of all the stories we posted the ten articles below received the most views of all in 2016.
So, if you read them the first time, have another look, and if you didn’t – don’t miss them again!
Click on the titles to see the entire article
#1 Six New Novices Received at Novitiate
#2. 4th National Gathering of Oblate Associates Held in Belleville
#3. Fr. Harry Winter, OMI: Pope Francis Vindicates The Anglican Ordinariate
#4. Oblate Novitiate Has a Fascinating History: “The Lodge” by Preston J. Bradshaw, Architect
#5. Hmong Catholics Celebrate New Year’s at St. Patrick’s in St. Paul
#6. Young Men “Come and See” in San Antonio
#7. Bro. Daniel Ziegler, OMI: Looking Forward to Ordination and Ministry
#8. All the News From the First Week of the 36th OMI General Chapter
#9. A Prayer Life of Painting Icons
#10. Oblates to Celebrate 200th Anniversary of Founding