The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

St. Ann’s in Waubun Participates in Annual Ecumenical Procession of the Cross

By Fr. Harry Winter, OMI,   Originally Published in the Northern District Community, Newsletter  Sept. 26, 2016

Processing in front of St. Ann’s Church. Fr. Dan Nassaney, OMI and Pastor Brooks are visible. Fr. John Cox, OMI is obscured by one of the cross bearers, members of our Confirmation Class. Photo by Pastor Anna Larson.

For several years, the three churches in Waubun, St. Ann Catholic Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, and Circles of Faith UCC Church, have rotated hosting a large wooden cross on their grounds.  Formerly part of an ecumenical Good Friday service, the prayer and procession now take place on or near the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.   The weather generally is better for outdoor events in September and religious education is beginning again, so we can involve our youth.  Fr. John Cox, OMI was instrumental in the switch.

This year, the service was held on Wednesday, September 14.  The evening began with supper at St. Ann’s Church.  Then we processed to Circles of Faith UCC Church, which had received the cross on 2015, where the service began.  From there, we processed to Trinity Lutheran Church, stopping to pray at eight stations along the route.  Following the prayers and installation of the cross at Trinity, dessert, coffee, and cider were served by the ladies of Trinity.

Fr. John prepared the service this year.  Joining him in leading it were Fr. Dan Nassaney, OMI, Pastor Allen Brooks of Trinity Lutheran, and Pastor Anna Larson of Circles of Faith.  St. Ann Catholic Church will receive the cross in September, 2017.


St. Ann’s Parish Church
