DAY SEVEN: General Treasurer’s Report to the Chapter
DAY SEVEN: (20 September) The General Treasurer’s Report
September 21st, 2016 –
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On the previous day, Fr. General presented to the capitulars the names of proposed members of the Drafting Committee: Fr. Rémi LEPAGE (Notre-Dame-du-Cap); Bro. Noel GARCIA (Philippines); and Fr. Loudeger MAZILE (Haiti). The capitulars approved their nomination by a show of hands. These Oblates will have the difficult task of drafting the final documents of the 36th General Chapter.
On this seventh day, the scholastics in Melbourne, Australia, prepared the prayers and joined the capitulars in spirit from a distance of 16,000 km.

General Treasurer, Fr. Marc Dessureault presents his report to the Chapter
In the name of the Superior General, the Treasurer General, Fr. Marc DESSUREAULT gave a comprehensive report of the state of the Congregation’s finances. He also explained how the Central Government has responded to the mandates of the 2010 General Chapter concerning financial matters. Then the capitulars went into regional groups to discuss the report and formulate questions to be answered by Fr. Marc.
During the afternoon session, Fr. Marc answered many and sometimes complicated questions related to his report, before making a presentation on the OIP Investment Trust. And so ended the first week of the 36th General Chapter.