The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

36th General Chapter of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Opens Today in Rome

(Photos from the OMI Lacomb Province of Canada)

Opening Day of the 36th General Chapter, September 14, 2016


Oblates gather for worship at the opening of the General Chapter. U.S. Oblate Fr. James Allen is seen in profile in lower left.


Oblates pray for guidance during the General Chapter

Every six years, leaders of the Oblate Congregation from around the world gather in Rome to pray and discern what will be the focus of the Missionary Oblates for the next six years. This year’s General Chapter will run from September 14, to October 11, 2016.

U.S. Oblates attending the General Chapter include: U.S. Provincial, Very Rev. William Antone, Fr. Louis Studer, Fr. James Taggart, Bro. Jason Rossignol, Fr. James Allen, Fr. Fernando Velasquez, Fr. Ron LaFramboise, Fr. David Muñoz, and Fr. Tom Ovalle.

The following is a previously published video introducing the General Chapter along with the designated prayer for the Chapter

In this short video, Superior General, the Very Rev. Louis Lougen, OMI and other Oblates describe the meeting and offer their hopes for its success during this 200th Jubilee Year of the Founding of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate by St. Eugene de Mazenod.

Below the video  is the text of the Prayer for the 36th General Chapter. You are invited to pray along with the Oblates, for, “…the grace of finding in Your Son, Jesus Christ, the center of our life and our mission.”

CLICK HERE or on the photo to view the 3-minute video in English

CLICK HERE to view the 3-minute video in Spanish

LL gen chapter vid


Prayer for the 36th General Chapter

God our Father, we thank you for the gift of religious life which You have given us through St. Eugene de Mazenod. You have called us to a missionary life in order to preach the Gospel to the most abandoned:



At this time of preparation for the General Chapter in the year of the 200th anniversary of our Congregation, we ask You for the grace of finding in Your Son, Jesus Christ, the center of our life and of our mission.

We hear the call to a profound personal and communal conversion. Help us to become the salt of the earth and the light of the world, so as to proclaim in today’s world the values of Your Kingdom in word and deed.

We beg You, Lord, to send upon us Your Spirit. Help us to be Your Oblates, inflamed with Your love, sparing no effort to extend Your Kingdom and totally committed to the good of today’s poor.

We ask this through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our Mother, and of St. Eugene de Mazenod.

