The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Oblates Meet With Seminarians and Aspirants in Houston

Reported by Fr. Richard Hall, OMI
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(L-R): Fr. Sal De George, OMI, Fr. Henry Walker, OMI, Amir Ayyobi, aspirant, , Mateusz Garstecki, entering the Pre-Novitiate, Alejandro Alvarado, entering the Novitiate, Brian Bernhardt, 3rd year Pre-Novitiate, Joe Olickan, entering the Novitiate, Fr. Gene Cañas, OMI, Fr. Ray Cook, OMI, Fr. Lucio Castillo, OMI and Fr. Richard Hall, OMI. Joe Olickan and Amir Ayyobi, come from The Oblate Parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Houston, TX.

“Here are two photos that I took for my gathering with the Oblates at Immaculate Conception Church. We gathered with the OMI’s and with seminarians, and aspirants.

“The visit was to show the pre-novices and one of the incoming pre-novices the Oblates in the Houston area.  It was also a time for me to interview one of our aspirants: Amir Ayobi.”

It was a great trip and the guys truly hosted us with a wonderful meal of Mole, Nopalitos, Rice and Beans, and fruit. The OMI’s took time to share a little bit of themselves and the work that they are doing in Houston and the parish.”


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Everyone from the first photo is here plus Fathers Tim Paulsen and Joseph Aluthwatte.
