The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Samvaada Oblate Journal on Interreligious Dialogue

Originally Published on OMIUSA.ORG

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564 samvaada 1Samvaada is a Sri Lankan Catholic journal on interreligious dialogue started in 2012 in honour of late prophet-martyr Fr. Michael RODRIGO of treasured memory. So far it has had three issues. It is an Oblate venture whose editor-in-chief is Fr. Claude PERERA. Other Oblates on the editorial board are Fr. Chrysantha THILAKARATNE and Eric WASALATHANTHRI.

The editors say that their biggest challenge is to find articles for publication, and thus, appeal to Oblate and non-Oblate writers from all over the world to contribute by way of articles related to theology of religions and its praxis in various parts of the world. The main articles of the current issue are: A Difficult Vocation: Fr. Michael Rodrigo at the Foot of the Cross; Political Participation of Women in Early India; Relationship between Early India and the Old Testament; Thou Shalt not Worship Globalization. For any related correspondence please contact Fr. Claude Perera via email:
