The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Photos: Candelmas Celebration at Novitiate

Pictures and Text By Fr. Jack Lau, OMI

The Novitiate Community after two weeks of prayer and festivities continue to allow the calendar to teach us about self and others. We are at the midway point of Winter and the days are getting long and the Sun is higher in the sky. As the Sun begins to move onto the stage, so does Jesus who is presented to the people in the Temple. He is the light not only for the Jewish people but for all peoples of the World.

Retreaving the Holy Fire

Retreaving the Holy Fire

Emmanuel cares for the light

Emmanuel cares for the light

So seeing we had a big bonfire burning for the past few days, the novices wanted to make a procession and get the new fire. Well, it was rainy and windy so instead of a procession we jumped into the van. It was still dark and here four of us was “trying to catch the flame” which the wind would blow out. But we did succeed and gingerly carried the light back to the chapel where mass was to begin. The rite weaves

Proteting the Light from Rain and wind in the cave of the Heart

Protecting the Light from Rain and wind in the cave of the Heart

together both Christmas and the Easter Vigil. After mass we prepared and ate French Crepes. This is a French Family Tradition that brings good luck and good health for the new year.


Paul Lights Candles on the Alter







Community Gathered.

Community gathered


Afterwards – crepes. Nice when one of the Novice Masters is also a Master Chef!
