The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Zimbabwe: A New MAMI Group

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG          Click here to read the article en Español

The question of officially launching MAMI has been in discussion for a while in the mission. On the 26th of September 2015, twenty two members gathered together at Mazenod House pre-novitiate to launch the MAMI program in the Zimbabwe Mission. The twenty-two members came from the three different parishes in the Archdiocese of Bulawayo were the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate are ministering. They came from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Divine Mercy Parish, and Body and Blood of Christ Parish. The group was well represented in both genders and in age groups. There are now efforts to celebrate the 8th of December 2015 together with this MAMI group for the first time. We are hoping that the MAMI in Zimbabwe will contribute to the work of evangelisation in the Mission as we hope that they will help us to reach out the poor and most abandoned.zimbabwe mami 1 - Copy

The Missionary Associates of Mary Immaculate are part of the Oblate family. They share in our Oblate undertakings, and in our missions. Its members work, with the means at their disposal, to support the Oblate mission work and help in our missionary apostolate. Under the protection of Mary Immaculate, the Mother of Mercy, they become apostolic auxiliaries to the Missionary Oblates. They share in our missionary joys and sorrows. They share in our battles and struggles, rejoicing in our success, making our Congregation ever more known, winning new members for it, propagating its publications, and helping in recruiting vocations to the Oblate way of life. In return, we as Oblates grant them a share in our prayers and good works. We pray in a special way for them as members of our family. Through the Associates, we reach out to the poor and bring the Good News of the kingdom of God.zimbabwe mami 2 - Copy

The day at the pre-novitiate began with adoration which was led by Deacon Lucky MANDAVA, who reminded all who participated at this adoration that the Associates and the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate are one family. The Associates will share in our Oblate spiritual benefits.

Immediately, after adoration, the mission superior, Fr. Charles NABWENJE, then gave a very inspirational talk on the Founder of the Oblates, St. Eugene de Mazenod. The talk was so animated that it left the members thirsting to know more about the Oblates.

Fr. Themba CHIPEMBERE also facilitated a talk on the history of the Oblates in Zimbabwe. Fr. Pamidzai MUDZUDZA crowned the day with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. (Fr. Themba CHIPEMBERE in the Zimbabwe Mission Newsletter Sept.-Oct.)

6 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Zimbabue: Un Nuevo grupo de la AMMI – OMIUSA
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