Oblate Bishop Pastoral Encounters: Challenges in Education Sector in Zambia

Originally Published on the OMI JPIC Blog

In his monthly newsletter, Oblate Bishop Evans Chinyemba OMI of Mongu Diocese in Zambia writes about many school infrastructure challenges and lack of basic educational opportunities faced by teachers and students in rural areas of Western Province.

evans1By Bishop Evans Chinyama Chinyemba, O.M.I., Bishop of Mongu, ZAMBIA

Banabahesu, in my outreach to the parishes I take time to visit any nearby school, whether community school, government school or mission school. I am always well-received by the teachers. In Lukulu we gathered with the pupils and teachers of Lukulu’s St. Columba’s Secondary School. I realize the many challenges our schools go through, yet the staff and the pupils do their best in raising the standard of the school. In Mitete district, I met with a teacher who is at a school that began in 1942 and is still housed in a grass-thatched house. In a place called Kashinangombe, the only two teachers at the school are faced with the challenge of fetching water from Dongwe River. At some schools that go up to grade 7, there is only one teacher.



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