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‘Month’s Mind’ Mass to Honor Cardinal George

News Update / Digest from the May 3-May 16, 2015 Edition of the Chicago Archdiocesan Newspaper, The Catholic New World 

Francis Cardinal George, OMIA “Month’s Mind” Mass, a centuries old tradition honoring the one-month anniversary of a person’s death, will be celebrated for Cardinal George on May 17, at 5:15 p.m., at Holy Name Cathedral, State and Superior Streets in Chicago. Msgr. Dan Mayall, rector of Holy Name Cathedral, will be the main celebrant and homilist.

During this Mass, which is open to the public, Cardinal George’s galero, the wide-brimmed, tasseled red hat, will be raised to the cathedral ceiling, joining the galeri of five previous cardinals: Mundelein, Stritch, Meyer, Cody and Bernardin.

Cardinal George, eighth archbishop of Chicago, was born in Chicago to Francis and Julia Mc- Carthy George on Jan. 16, 1937. He was the first native Chicagoan to serve as archbishop of Chicago and the first cardinal to retire as archbishop of Chicago. Cardinal George passed away on April 17.

