The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Mark Edwards, OMI

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

Bishop Mark Edwards, OMIThe Episcopal Ordination of Bishops Terence Curtin and Mark EDWARDS, as Auxiliary Bishops of Melbourne, took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne, on 17 December 2014. President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Melbourne, the Archbishop Denis Hart was the Principal Consecrator. The Co-Consecrators were the Apostolic Nuncio in Australia, Archbishop Paul Gallagher and Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane. Many Australian Catholic Bishops, diocesan and religious priests concelebrated.

On behalf of the bishops, Bishop Curtin expressed thanks and appreciation for all the prayerful support and encouragement received. “It has been very humbling because in moments like this, as I think all the bishops would know, you become acutely aware of your own failings and limitations. But that’s not a bad thing. It means that we come to know all the more how much we depend on the grace of God and the gift of faith. The extent of that grace has been shown to us in what you, our friends, parishioners, students, have told us of our presence and ministry among you. It surprises, exceeds our expectations, and reminds us that it’s God’s work in us and not our own.

“You have before you a bishop out of the diocesan clergy of Melbourne and a bishop out of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate,” Bishop Curtin explained. “With such firm foundations I can assure you we are both from good stock, but good stock is not much use unless it’s well planted. There lies your task, dear bishops, priests and people of God, to plant us well in the joys, the hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the men and women of our age.”

Archbishop Hart said, “All of us gathered here, pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit in their lives. May they give love and compassion to the life of the Church for many years.” (Archdiocese of Melbourne)

