Video: Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI Addresses Vatican Symposium on “Impact Investing”

Originally Published by Catholic Relief Services

On June 16-17, 2014 the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (PCJP), Catholic Relief Services, and the Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame convened a two-day Impact Investing symposium at The Vatican called “Investing for the Poor: How Impact Investing Can Serve the Common Good in the Light of Evangelii Gaudium”. The conference was an opportunity to learn core concepts of impact investing, to discuss how it aligns with Church mission, and to discern how the Church might use or promote impact investing to serve the poor.

In this video:

Impact Investing and Catholic Social Teaching:
Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI
Vice Chair of the Board, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

To learn more about Investing for the poor visit:
