The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

What You Missed on Facebook in April 2014

Click here to see What You Missed on Facebook in March.

Procura Delle Missioni, Omi, posted this photo of Oblates gathering in South Italy.


Local Lowell Oblates and the JPIC committee met this week to discuss how to improve the JPIC practices.

                        via Missionary Oblates JPIC


This week on April 27, 2014 the Oblate community lost Fr. Ronald Young at the young age of 56. Friends and Santa Rosa parishoners expressed their thoughts about the passing of Fr. Young. 

                                                                 via Betty Rodriguez-Sanchez






 Immaculate Conception LifeTeen posted these photos from its Holy Week Celebration in Houston, Texas.


OMI Africa posted photos from the Regional Conference Meeting in Kenya.  To read more about the conference click here.


Fr. David Munoz posted some photos taken in San Antonio with Fr. Richard Hall and Adriana Aguero:

                               L-R Fr. Hall, Adriana, Fr. Munoz

                                                                  Fr. Hall stopped off for a "Snack"


 In anticipation of the upcoming canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, Fr. Jim Allen, OMI posted the following on April 23rd:

“I am looking forward to Sunday, April 27, when Pope Francis will canonize two popes whom I have seen personally. When I was a young seminarian in Rome, I frequently went to celebrations with Pope John XXIII. I was on St. Peter’s Square when he died and I was present for some of the funeral events. Twice, I had the opportunity to concelebrate with Pope John Paul II in his private chapel. Afterwards, he would greet the people who had been at his Mass in his private study and give them a rosary.”


A new post from the Washington JPIC Office on April 23rd:

Guess Who Stopped by Oblate JPIC office today?

Fr. Humphrey Milimo OMI and Fr. Emmanuel Bwalya OMI from the Zambia. Both stopped by to say hello to JPIC Staff. They are in Washington DC for meetings.”


Betty Rodriguez-Sanchez posted this on April 17th:

Rev. Fr. Juan Ayala being interviewed locally (Univision & NBC) about the Triduum and it’s meaning. He has become Laredo’s priest of choice when it comes to Church topics/events. Way to go Oblates!”

Fr. Carlos B. Velazquez posted this on April 16:

“Chrism Mass-Celebrating Mass with High School Classmates — with Richard Hall and Art Flores at Cathedral of San Fernando.

L-R Fr. Carlos Velazquez,  Fr. Richard Hall, OMI   Fr. Art Flores, OMI


A parishioner posted the following note and photo of Fr. Nick Harding, OMI from the Palm Sunday celebration in La Morita, 

“Domingo de Ramos en la Parroquia San Eugenio de Mazenod”


Fr. Jim Allen posted the following on April 11th:

“I hear it’s “Siblings day”. I’d never heard of it, but instead of my “old” siblings, thought I’d post a “before” picture, probably about 1951 in our backyard: l-r, Judy, Carol, Mike, Jim, Mary.”



Nice photo of Fr. Juan Gaspar appeared in a post on Aprill 11th, he’s apparently expanding his minsirty via radio:

“This is my portrait for daily gospel Spanish reflection in valores radio.”


In anticipation of his Ordination on May 16th along with Bro, David Uribe, Bro. Jesse Esqueda posted the following on April 10th:

“First Mass: Sunday May 18th at 5:30pm Santa Rosa Church, San Fernando, CA a reception will follow”


Fr. Juan poses with lovely parishioners Fr. Ed Vrazel addressed the big crowd

 On April 8th Fr. Juan Ayala posted dozens more photos from the March 23rd Celebration:

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish – March 23, 2014, 15 years in the making with a loving parish community. I would like to thank each and everyone who helped, contributed and prayed to make this beautiful dream a reality. May God continue blessing you all!”  
(Many more photos on his Facebook page at: Rev. Fr. Juan Ayala)

A Feast Awaited the Celebrants at Our Lady of Guadalupe


OMI-JPIC posted this iem about a special visitor to the Oblate’s garden in Washington, DC on April 7.


“The garden has been a success, producing fresh vegetables. Much of the garden produce is donated to local food pantry serving HIV/AIDS clients, with the surplus offered to Oblate kitchen and employees. Ms Gail Taylor manages the garden and invited the city councilor to visit the garden.”

U.S. Provincial, Fr. Bill Antone (yellow cap) joined the group


Fr. David Munoz posted the following on April 3, 2014:

Second evening of the Buffalo West cluster tri-Parish Lenten Mission with Fr Bill Antone, OMI. — with St Eugene De Mazenod and St Eugene de Mazenod at Holy Cross Church Buffalo NY.”

Fr. Mitch Byeck and parishioners

Fr. Bill Antone at Holy Cross





