The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

What You Missed on Facebook in March 2014


Click here to see What You Missed on Facebook in February. 

Victoria Barrientes-Luna, sister of Oblate Scholastic Bro. John Barrientes, enlisted him to run with her in a half-marathon on Sunday, March 23rd, the day after Fr. Jim Erving OMI’s funeral. They ran as members of Fr. Andy Sensenig’s “Running 4 Jim Team” in honor of the late Fr. Erving. 

Said Victoria in her email: “Well, my brother John and I completed our half marathon relay this past Sunday! It was John’s first race, and he did very well. I am very proud of him! Our 4 Jim bracelet served as our “baton”, which we handed off as I finished the first leg and John began the second leg. Now, on to Providence, RI in May….” (Bro. John and Victoria are in red in the photo on the right)
















 The Missionary Oblates JPIC shared an article on Crdinal Quevedo’s Call for Peace in Mindadnao.

Click here to read the story.



Fr. David Munoz posted a picture on March 22, from a Variety Show to fundraise for WYD 2016.




Daniel De Luna posted a picture of a big celebration at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Laredo, Texas blessing the new parish center on March 23.

                  (L-R) Oblate Fathers Edward Ward, Richard Hall, Edward Vrazel     (L-R) Pastor, Juan Ayala, OMI, Bishop James Tamayo, Fr. Edward Vrazel, OMI


 Fr. David Munoz, OMI worked on his culinary skills at Holy Cross in Buffalo, NY on March 22: 

“Making Cannoli with the Ladies’ society. That was fun…can’t wait to eat them. — at Holy Cross Church Buffalo NY.”     –   ” They didn’t want my clerical shirt to get dirty but it’s the only apron they had. Lol.”



Fr. Juan Ayala posted his video interview from the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim California on March 24.  

“Gran placer en saber que estamos evangelizando por medio de la media social. Me dio gusto encontrarme buenos feligreses de Santa Rosa De Lima. Que Dios los bendiga.”

“Great pleasure in knowing that we are evangelizing through social media. I was happy to find me good parishioners of Santa Rosa De Lima. May God bless you.” (Translated by Bing)




Jose Manuel Cicuendez posted this from the International gathering of Triennium Animators in Aix on March 21:

“Encuentro de Animadores del carisma Oblato en Aix en provence, fotos delante de la catedral de Marsella” 

“Meeting of animators of the charism Oblate in Aix in provence, photos in front of the Cathedral of Marseille” (Translated by Bing)

(Faces familiar in the U.S. would include: Geri Furmanek, (front row, 3rd from left, Fr. Barnabas Simatende, (front row, 5th from left) Fr. Joe LaBelle, (2nd row, 3rd from right) Fr. Daniel LaBlanc, (2nd row, 3rd from left) and Fr. Antonio Ponce, (top row, center)  To see all the participants with name sand countries, click HERE


Fr. Juan Ayala traveled to California for the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.  Here are pictures he posted from his trip.

Fr. Juan Ayala Fr. Juan Ayala being interviewed by local media.

Fr. Juan Ayala with Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception  Fr. Juan Ayala at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

With a statue of St. Joseph in the foreground, Bro. Jean-Marie Diakanou, Fr. Jose Maria Cicuendez and Bro. Benoit Dosquett celebrate the Eucharist on this Feast of St. Joseph, March 19, during a break in the Workshop for Triennium Animators in Aix-en-Provence

Just one of the countless posts expressing the love felt by so many toward Fr. Jim Erving, OMI, who passed on March 18, 2014 in San Antonio after a long illness. From Bro. Jesse Esqueda:

 “Remembering a GREAT friend. Rest in Peace Fr. Jim!”

                                       Fr. Jim is center rear with a beard and a big smile

Here’s a post from Fr. Jim Allen on March 17: 

“Our Oblate Superior General, Fr. Louie Lougen, is in Ukraine right now preaching a retreat to the Oblates there. An Oblate bishop and 2 young Oblate priests are in Crimea. The Oblates in Crimea cannot get out to go to the retreat. Those in Ukraine are afraid of Russia’s next moves. Please keep them in prayer!”

March 16, 2014 Bro. Andy Lawlor, OMI, posted this photo of his annual turn as St. Patrick delighting a group of children.


Fr. Jose Manuel Cicuendez posted photos taken in the courtyard of the International De Mazenod Center, which features some familiar faces at the Associate Animators meeting going on now in Aix-en-Provence.

“Seguimos en este encuentro oblato para formar los animadores del trienio de preparación para el bicentenario de la Fundación de los Misioneros Oblatos.”

(Bing Tramslation) “We follow this Oblate meeting to form the organizers of the three-year period of preparation for the bicentenary of the Foundation of the Oblate missionaries.” 

                                  (4th and 5th from left) we see Fr. Antonio Ponce trying to keep warm next to Zambian, Fr. Barnabas Simatende

                                                     Geri Furmanek, U.S. Director of Mission Enrichment and Oblate Associates enjoys the gathering


Fr. David Munoz, OMI (a Florida native) posted the following on March 13:

“Front page of the Buffalo newspaper today. My sentiments exactly!!!!”


Farm family from OMI JPIC’s La Vista Farm in Godfrey are featured in a magazine this month as described in OMI JPIC’s post on March 12:

Farmers at the Oblate Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) at Godfrey, IL, are featured extensively in Community Health Magazine.”

Eliseo Mercado shared a photo onto OMI Communications page from the Thanksgiving mass on March 12, 2014.


 Fr. Jim Allen got nostalgic and posted a photo of his old parish on March 12, 2014.  He said, “I found the FB page of the parish in Omaha, Nebraska, where I grew up: St. Philip Neri. This church was built in about 1954. My sisters were all married here. I had my ‘Mass of Thanksgiving’ here in 1966. My parents were buried from here. Lots of memories.”

                        St Philip Neri Church


Dennis Guirnalda Gui posted photos from the Thanksgiving mass of Cardinal Quevedo on March 12, 2014.





Fr. Ali Nnaemeka Cornelius from Nigeria posted this photo March 12, 2014.


Fr. Christian Fini is a “travelin’ man!” He posted on March 11, from Aix-en-Provence:

Visiting Aix for workshop to prepare for 200 year celebration of the first community. Started with personal introductions and tour of the house.

                             On left is the Church of the Mission in Aix, on right is part of the Foundation House

                         St. Eugene's Mitre on display


Another from Fr. Christian Fini, OMI in Hong Kong:

“A few photos from my stay in Hong Kong including Rosies HK Style and lunch Fr Stan & John. Frs John and Stan are two of three omi’s from mainland China now all in there 90’s. 53 years after Br Paul will be the next to take final vows hopefully this year…. small miracle. Off to Aix this evening.” — at St. Alfred’s Catholic Church.

                          St. Albert's parishioners

Interior of St. Albert's in Hong Kong


Fr. Juan Gaspar traveled to Houston to lead the Lenten Mission at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church on March 7, 2014.

                        photo posted by Carmen Franco


Fr. Dwight Hoeberechts shared this photo in spirit of Lent on March 7, 2014.


Plenty of people posted their photos of their ashes on Ash Wednesday.  You can use the #ashtag to see all of the people who started off their Lenten Season with the Catholic tradition.  Were you one of them?  

Oblates served employees on Ash Wednesday, Mark Etling of OMSI-Belleville  receives ashes from Fr. John Madigan, OMI gives Mark Etling of OMSI-Belleville workers ashes in the afternoon.



From Rich C,. Vasquez, II:  Wow! Its Lent. Bishop Pfeifer, OMI, just celebrated Mass for us at Oblate Missions. Yolie, a long term employee who has been working at Oblate Missions for 55 yes 55 years receives her ashes from the Bishop. Happy Lenten Season! Cheers with a cup of yea!”

                                                                                 Most Rev. Michael Pfeifer, OMI


Oblates around the Country Celebrated “Fat Tuesday”  Ero Rom posted two pictures from Buffalo, NY

                                                                      Ero Rom with Emily Leibig

                                                                     with David Muñoz López, OMI and Mary C Jackson.

King’s House – Belleville held it’s Annual “Fat Tuseday Luncheon for employees and friends.

                                         Rich Dahm Ruled!

                                        A big crowd enjoyed the Cajun Couisine

Click HERE to see the whole Album from the King’s House Celebration.


Augustine Confucious posted pictures on Mar. 3 from the 20th Anniversary of Fr. A.P. Antony Pillai. 


JB Musumbi from Cameroon posted pictures on Mar. 3 from IMO Yaounde’s 50 year celebration of priesthood.


Fr. David Munoz, OMI posted the following on March 2: 

“In the freezing cold in front of Buffalo city hall praying for peace and justice in Venezuela, and for our brother Heddier Sandoval with some parishioners.”

