The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

What You Missed on Facebook in January 2014

This week we remember the life of Fr. Richard Houlahan, OMI.  For 13 years, Fr. Houlahan led Oblate Missions in San Antonio.  He lived out the Oblate charism by working with the poor and those less fortunate in the U.S. Federal prison system.



Children singing at the first Our Lady of Hope Novena preached by the Oblates in Buffalo, NY. Photo supplied by Fr. David Munoz, OMI.  Posted on Jan. 30, 2014.



Augustine Confucious from Sri Lanka posted pictures from a student animation workshop at Christ Hall Boys Home.





Fr. Jack Lau posted pictures on Jan. 26 of the Foundation Day Celebration in Godfrey, IL.



Fr. Juan Gaspar posted this status on Jan. 24,  “At IHM sacristy with my bro Miguel. Retro altar server. Ready to officiate the mass for my uncle.”

 Fr. Juan Gaspar and family


On Jan. 27, 2014 Cesar Taipe Flores from Peru posted photos from an Anniversary where the Superior General, Louis Lougen was in attendance.







The very first group of Oblates from the U.S. who traveled to the Philippines arrived on September 25, 1939.  All would serve time on Japanese POW Camps during WWII.  Three would eventually become Bishops; Mongeau, Dion and McSorley.  

L to R- Egide Boudoin, Cuthbert Billman, Emilie Bolduc, First Superior: Gerard Mongeau, Francis McSorley, and George Dion





























Fr. Seamus Finn posted this picture in Rome on Jan. 19.



Oblatos Maria Imaculada posted these pictures of Fr. Martin’s year of priesthood in Brazil.



“Beginning of our first preached Our Lady of Hope Novena! Feeling excited. Thanks to our Oblate Associates for their hard work.” -Fr. David Munoz, OMI’s facebook status on Jan. 18, 2014

photo courtesy of Fr. David Munoz, OMI



First day of the National Congress of PJMP.Fecundem of life and hope the Church and society. (OMI Brazil)





Father Felix with friend Cesar Taipe Flores in Guatemala.

 Father Felix in Guatemala with Cesar Taipe Flores
Installation of Bob Chambers as an Honorary Oblate of Mary Immaculate

L-R  Oblate Provincial, Fr. Bill Antone, OMI, New HOMI, Bob Chambers, Fr. Jim Taggart, OMI, Holy Angels pastor, Fr. Jim Fee, OMI 



Two Oblates from Paraguay, Gabriel Agustin Quintana Amarilla and Juan Daniel Gaete Arrua, were ordained into Priesthood.

photo courtesy of Gualberto Miranda






The big story last week was the “Big Freeze” as the eastern two-thirds of the nation found out hat a “Polar Vortex” was. Oblates and friends enjoyed the weather and postedtheir activities on Facebook.


Bro. Jesse Esqueda traveled to Alaska for youth leadership training Jan. 6.  Here are a few pictures he posted from his trip.


       The Youth Rally Core Team



At the novitiate in Godfrey, Illinois, Fr. Jack Lau, introduced a couple of young Zambians to the joys of sledding


Nchimunya Haakakata, Paul Kunda, James Trevino in GodfreyFr. Jack Lau in Godfrey, Il.


Nchimunya Haakakata, Paul Kunda, James Trevino 






















Meanwhile in Buffalo, NY., Fr. David Munoz was his, “First Blizzard” outside Holy Angels parish. In 2nd the photo below, you can barely make out the twin spires of Holy Angels through the driving snow.  

Fr. Munoz on left and friend have been scraping windshieldsHoly Angels through the driving snow



In Belleville, Il., Fr. Mark Dean seemed to have an entirely different perspective on how to enjoy a snowy Sunday Afternoon

Fr. Mark Dean and Friend



On Dec. 31, Marcone Costa, posted this picture from Brazil.  Along with the photo he wrote, “Vocation: our talents gift of God’s grace in the service of the mission.  OMI Northeast District in family planning and evaluation. “It’s time to dare to move. Implement the commitments of the day OMI. Pe. Francisco-Provincial of the OMI in Brazil.”

photo courtesy of Marcone Costa




On December 27-29th BOSOM took place in India.  BOSOM stands for “Bharath Oblate Students oMeet.” This gathering will bring together about 120 young men who are Juniors, Philosophers, Regents, Novices and Scholastics.  

The BOSOM group from India


