The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Commission for Youth and Vocation Ministry Meets in Ukraine




Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

The European Commission for Youth and Vocation Ministry (CPJVE) met in Ukraine, at Obuhiv and Trivriv, on 21-25 October.

Frs. Bartosz MADEJSKI (Poland), Jens WATTEROTH (Central European Province), David MUNOZ and Antonio D’AMORE (Mediterranean Province), Piotr WROBLEWSKI (Ukraine Delegation), Vincent GRUBER (France), Pavlo WYSZKOWSKI (CIE representative) and Luis Ignacio ROIS (General Councillor) participated.

We prayed together, enjoyed the time and worked, of course. We evaluated the Oblate World Youth Days in Aparecida, before Rio and GECO 2013 (the second European gathering deepening the Oblate charism for youth from all our units). The GECO 2013 theme was: “Passionate for Christ – Eugene, in his family and his youthful experiences and our own experiences today.” We discussed many important issues like celebrating the Triennium for the 200th anniversary of the Congregation together with youth from Europe; plans for the coming years; increasing of the communication between Oblates and Oblate youth…

Future Projects:

2014: a gathering in the local Unit or with another Unit but in line with the 1st year Triennium theme: A new heart: Life in apostolic community

2015: A European pilgrimage to Aix in August with the Brazilian Oblate cross. For young people from 20 to 26 years old, working with Oblates and according to the 2ndyear Triennium theme : A new Spirit: Lifelong formation

2016: Oblate pre-WYD in Wroclaw, Poland, and WYD in Cracow, taking into account the subject of the 3rd year Triennium theme : A new Mission: Zeal to leave nothing undared.

2017: 3rd GECO somewhere in Europe (N.B., GECO from the Italian: Giovani d’Europa per il Carisma Oblato [Youth of Europe for the Oblate Charism])

We listened to an interesting speech by Fr. Pavlo WYSZKOWSKI about the Oblate and youth community. At the same time we visited a bit of Ukraine and know better the situation of the Church there. We stayed 2 days in Tivriv where Oblates together with youth and with the help of qualified workers are renovated the huge old monastery and church, preparing those buildings to be the center of the youth movement. The reconstruction of the monastery has already been supported by many Oblate Units and gives hope for the future on our European cooperation. (Bartosz Madejski, CPJVE President, and Vincent Gruber, Secretary)











