New Year Begins at Bishop Fallon Formation Community

Photos and Story Provided by Fr. Richard Sudlik, OMI

Mano Romero (Ctr.) leads prayer, Fr. Richard Sudlik (far left,) Fr. Louis Lougen (far right)

On Sunday, August 25th, the Bishop Fallon Formation community began another year of discernment and preparation for life as an Oblate of Mary Immaculate in Buffalo, NY. Seven young men began a year of prayer and discernment by pledging to the gathered Church community at Holy Angels that they will be open to the promptings of God’s Spirit in their lives. Three of the prenovices were returning to Buffalo-Manuel Romero, Daniel Bourg and Kevin Santander. Four are  new to the program-Jean Emmanuel Melancourt, Patrick Nacanaynay, Steven Montez and Denning Achidi.Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI.

This year we were blessed in a special way with the presence of Fr. Louis Lougen, the Superior General of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Fr. Louie was home for family visit and was able to accept these young men and bestow upon them the symbol of our calling – the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI

We pray that they good work begun in these young men will be brought to completion.
L-R (Front row) Manuel Romero, Denning Achidi, Kevin Santander, Steven Montez, Daniel Bourg, Patrick Nacanaynay, Jean Emmanuel Melancourt (Back row)Bill Mason, Antonyraj Arumainathan, Quilin Bouzi, Fr. Louis Lougen, Fr. Dick Sudlik, Steve Vasek, Jim Fee, David Munoz

