The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

North/Central Oblates Celebrate Jubilee

BY: Becky May

BELLEVILLE- Oblates from across the country gathered at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Monday to celebrate jubilees for nine Oblates.

The timing for the North Central Area Jubilee couldn’t have been better as many Oblates traveled in for the Oblate Renewal of Province Ministry Retreat at King’s House also in Belleville, IL.

The evening commenced with a Celebration of the Eucharist lead by Rev. Louis Studer, OMI. New Orleans Oblate, Fr. Tony Rigoli, OMI read the Gospel and delivered an enthusiastic homily on the classic story of Jesus multiplying bread and fish to thousands.

Following the mass, Oblates and friends indulged in a three course meal of Beef Oscar and a triple layer chocolate dessert at the Shrine’s Conference Center, while congratulating each other on their more than 400 years of combined service to the church.

Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI, Area Councillor offered congratulations and invited the jubilarians to speak. Whether celebrating 40 years of priesthood or 60 years since their First Profession of faith, the speakers related good memories of their years in ministry.

The Missionary Oblate Jubilarians included: Rev. Anthony Rigoli who celebrated his 40th anniversary of his ordination; Rev. James Datko celebrating 60 years of ordination; and Rev. Sherman Wall celebrated the 60th anniversary of his first profession along with Rev. Gerald McGovern; Rev. Urban Figge and Rev. Thomas Singer.  Those celebrating 50 years of their first profession were: Rev. Gerald Bolduc, Rev. Norman Volk,  and Rev. Paul Wilhelm. The last Oblate to speak for the night was Rev. Louis Studer who was celebrating his 40th Jubilee of his first profession.

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