The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Week of prayer for Oblate vocations

(20/05/2010 – General Administration)

The week of prayer for Oblate vocations begins tomorrow, with the feast of our holy Founder. This year, 2010, there are no proposals coming from the General Formation Committee, since its usual February meeting did not take place. Nevertheless, Father Santucci has prepared a series of texts, liturgical and otherwise, from different Oblate units and in different languages, available among the files for animation, which you can easily reach through our website. We invite you to help yourselves to them freely; at the same time, if you have prepared something new in your unit, do not hesitate to share it by sending it to the Communications Service or, in the case of a web page, by just providing the link to the page.

Happy Feast day of Saint Eugene!
