The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Radio Liseli reaches out to school children

Oblate Radio Liseli has launched a new program which reaches out to the schools within Mongu district. This is a program in which primary and secondary schools as well as colleges are given an opportunity to share their historical backgrounds, their success stories, the challenges being faced by the schools and future plans. Other programs being presented by schools include drama, inter-schools debates and programs on the local culture.

The educational programs are aired every Tuesday and Saturday. They are fully supported by the management of Oblate Radio Liseli and the District Education Board Secretary under the Ministry of Education.

Meanwhile, the United States Ambassador to Zambia, Mr. Donald Booth, was on a familiarization tour of the Western Province and took time to see a number of projects that are supported by the U.S government. Some of the projects he visited include a clinic in Nanjucha and a rice growing project supported by the Diocese of Mongu Development Centre (DMDC).

Ambassador Booth also visited Oblate Radio Liseli where he spoke to the Station Manager, Mr. Bella Zulu, who explained to him about the growth of the station and the challenges it faces. Mr. Zulu said the station has partnered with the United States Government in making education accessible to all children through one of the programs aired on the radio called “Learning at Taonga Market”. This program has enabled children to attend formal school on radio under the keen eye of a trained mentor (OMI ZAMBIA November-December 2009)
